The information es limited due to confidential agreement.
Instabus is a passenger transportation and parcel delivery company with destinations in the provinces near Lima, Peru.
I worked as an experienced designer in renovating the company’s platform, performing research, designing, iteration, and delivering to the dev team.
Discovery, definition, design, and delivery
Introduce and engage the team assigned to this project in a customer-centric process, from understanding the business to delivering the new web product experience. Gradually build the new version of the Instabus platform.
Product Owner – UX Research – UX Designer – Information architecture – Facilitator
Miro – Figma – Asana
To start the research first we understood the main problem, the causes and what generates those pains

We then defined what we wanted to achieve and understood the main motivation.

According to the employees’ suggestion, we interviewed two user segments, the passenger or traveler and the parcel shipper, gathered qualitative information about their experiences and evaluated whether they had any other unidentified needs.
Uses cases
After conducting the qualitative research analysis, we identified order tracking and ticket purchase as the most critical use cases, in which users stated that these two functionalities would help them reduce ticket purchase time and provide peace of mind in knowing the status tracking of their shipment.
User shipping packages – Order tracking.
Users traveling with Instabus – Online ticket purchase.
Design requirement
People want visibility of the status of their purchase or contracted service at all times with the least amount of actions. We defined the following requirements segmented by users:
- Online ticket purchase.
- User module.
- Ticketera.
- Blog with relevant destination information.
User sending parcels:
- Order tracking.
- Parcel delivery services.
- Complaint book
Designing a new platform forced us to think not only about the design but also about how we would present this new information architecture to users.
We narrowed down the potential ideas and started prototyping based on the identified architecture. We started creating mockups of the platform. We created a mid-fidelity prototype and went on to evaluate that.
After we had the first version of the new platform, we recruited both passenger users and package shippers, and evaluated both users.

Final design
Based on the key findings that we synthesized by conducting an affinity diagram, we iterated on the design and updated the prototype from medium to high fidelity.

Take away
It is possible that users present important findings in the first phase of adoption in the launch of the new platform and it is important to have an updated metric that has support to generate innovations in this new process.
Another potential risk is the adaptation of the internal team of the company to adapt to the new processes incorporated in the platform, it is important to have a blueprint that allows us to visualize the status of each moment of the blueprint.